It’s summer time and once again ECGRR finds itself overwhelmed with the intake of dogs and not enough fosters.
If you can’t foster, We understand, but you can still help, and it is really easy. All you need is a printer, some paper, scissors and tape. Here’s how in 3 easy steps:
1. DOWNLOAD our new ECGRR WANTED POSTER and print out a few copies. Optional – take some scissors and cut along the vertical dotted lines between the contact slips to make them easier to tear off – that would be a big help.
2. POST the ECGRR WANTED POSTER in locations for others to see.
A few suggestions:
– Coffee or break room where you work
– Community bulletin boards
– Vet offices
– Pet stores
– Pet friendly businesses
– anywhere dog lovers gather and talk dogs!
Please get permission from property owners/managers before posting at businesses
3. Give yourself a pat on the back – you just helped spread the ECGRR word and our big need for fosters. Thank you!
NOTE: The WANTED POSTER is in PDF format
and to be viewed/printed, requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Many computers already have it installed, but if you
require the reader, CLICK HERE – a free download.
If you live in the Florida panhandle and can open your home to be one of our foster homes – wow, that would be great!! Just fill out our volunteer application to get started.