Newsletter: Stepping in it – Rescue Ramblings
After signing up for our Newsletter, you have the option of receiving an alert when a new post is made in Stepping in it – Rescue Ramblings – The raw, uncensored, ramblings of the current ECGRR president covering his adventures in dealing with rescue matters.
Irregularly updated, posts can originate from when he’s on the road to sitting in his office.
We normally only feature these on our Facebook site or in the regular newsletter. By adding these to your ECGRR newsletter subsciption, you’ll be notified pretty much the moment they are posted.
To sign-up for this service, just edit your ECGRR Newsletter subscription settings as described below …
Step 1:
Scroll down to the bottom of our regular Newsletter that you received by email.
Click on: Edit your subscription
You’ll be taken to a profile page on our website.
Step 2:
On that page look for YOUR LISTS.
Under that, check the box for
President’s blog:Stepping in it – Rescue Ramblings and then click on Save.
That’s it. Next time a something is posted in Stepping in it – Rescue Ramblings you’ll be sent an alert and a direct link to it.