Dandy Teer - 2015

Dandy Teer
January 2015
Our Dandy Man
Andy twin
If you have special memories of your golden and would like to share your story with others; please CLICK HERE for information on how it can be included on our website.
Luke 2
November 2013
We adopted Luke2 from the ECGRR in March of 2013. We had just lost our beloved Luke1, who Was diagnosed with multiple cancer. When I saw Luke2 on their website, I knew I had to give this 12 year old gentleman,...Read More »
November 2013
Seven and a half years ago we rescued Murray from Emerald Coast.
He was a year and a half old and a big golden 90 lbs and could
put his head on the kitchen table without even stretching, he was so tall.
We...Read More »
February 20, 2013
Dearest Lady you will forever be in the hearts of your family. You are with your first mom Trudi once again.
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January 2001 – January 2013
Coconut filled the void. She welcomed me home with a wagging tail. I always felt loved. She was the proverbial velcro-dog. What a girl!
...Read More »Jack
June 22, 2011
On June 22, 2011 we had to put to rest our amazing golden boy JACK. We rescued him from ECGRR eleven years ago, when he was 10 months old. He had heartworms, hookworms, mange and was 14 pounds under weight. ECGRR treated him for...Read More »
Jake Mercer
Summer 2004 to March 2011
We adopted Jake from ECGRR in May 2005. He was a perfect match for our family. We loved his quirky behaviors as well as his vocal talent. He could say “I Love You”, “Oh, Mama” and “Good Morning”. ...Read More »
Brady Stevenson
April 2010
This is our golden boy Brady, aka The Amazing Mr. B. This spirited fellow left us after 16 of the most wonderful years I have ever known with any dog. His spirit was unmatched to the last day and I feeling so badly that I...Read More »
Champ Miller
March 13, 2009
This afternoon Champ took one final motorcycle ride. Our beloved Champ’s spirit was freed from the body that was failing him. He was our son and gave us much love. His sometimes goofy antics made us laugh. His snoring...Read More »
September 6, 2008
Hershey passed away last night from complications of heartworm disease. He was at the vet’s office getting the best care they could give him when he passed. He was only about a year and half old and the sweetest boy...Read More »
By M.R. Street
Golden-red fur ball
Queen of slobbery kisses
Mermaid with four paws
August 9, 2007
Eleanor was diagnosed with a severe bone infection in her spine soon after being placed in her forever home in Panama City. ‘Ellie’ left a lasting memory on all of us that met with her — she was an incredibly sweet little girl that...Read More »
April 10, 2007
Callie’s Story
With great joy, several years ago, we adopted Callie from Emerald Coast. Callie was the poster girl on your note cards for a few years. Her story before rescue was horrific and too common: backyard breeder’s dog, over bred, under loved, no health care,...Read More »
Hunter Thomas Bringier
October 24, 2006
Our beloved foster dog that passd due to heartworm complications.
...Read More »Blondie Teer
April 9, 2001 -September 29, 2006
We were deeply saddened to lose our wonderful Blondie girl. Despite being overwhelmed by many medical issues for several years, she was a fighter and resilient to the end. Blondie taught us a great deal about patience and acceptance of...Read More »